Bullfinch Radio Gold Mine
Project Highlights
28,000 ounce gold resource with orebodies open along strike in both direction and open at depth.
Located in a highly-prospective, very under-explored Yilgarn region, close to major services infrastructure.
All approvals are current for a turn-key underground gold mine.
High gravity recovery (80+%) will only require a simple gravity circuit to recover the majority of the gold, allowing a fast payback of initial invested funds.
8km North of Bullfinch, W.A. 40km North of Southern Cross, the Radio Gold Mine is located on the Southern Cross Greenstone Belt in the Yilgarn Craton. The province is estimated to have produced 10.0m+ oz of gold.
Radio Gold Mine historically is a high grade mine, averaging 38.5 grams/tonne Au recovered during the period 1917 – 1971, $180M of gold extracted in first 100m vertically. Re-opened in 2017 and refurbished with access to the Radio Main and East Lode at 100m depth. Developed a JORC 2012 resource of 28,600 oz of gold as base to build from. The Radio Project was acquired by NuFortune Gold Ltd, via their subsidiary Summit Resource Holdings Pty Ltd, in early 2020 with the intention of exploring and producing gold in and around the historical Radio Mine. Excellent gold recovery has been achieved from test work in both gravity (in excess of 80%) and overall recovery of 92-95%.
Geology & Mineralisation
The Radio Mine lies on the eastern side of the Southern Cross Greenstone Belt, overlapping onto the western margin of the granitoid Ghooli Dome. The host rock to the mineralised lodes is a foliated heterogeneous granitoid containing abundant rafts of partially assimilated greenstones adjacent to the main greenstone belt.
The Radio Gold Mine Mineral Resource is located in two sub-parallel quartz lodes that strike north east and dip to the south east. The lodes are referred to as the Foot wall (or Main Lode) and the Hanging wall (East Lode). These lodes appear to be continuous over a strike length of 130m and can be traced, although discontinuously on the surface for a total strike length of 720m.
Radio Deeps Prospect is located 400 metres to the south-east of Radio and occurs where a parallel structure to the Radio-Manxman structure intersects the regional north-west trending shear. The two projects appear to have a similar structural setting and several drill holes at Radio Deeps have intersected significant gold mineralisation.
The Manxman mineralisation is located one kilometre to the north east of Radio on the same north-east structure that hosts Radio (the “Radio Line”). Here, historical shallow diggings extend over a strike length of 300 metres to access thin quartz reefs with a similar orientation to the reefs at Radio.
Mining Strategy
The underground resource will be accessed via the use of a decline and underground development using mechanised diesel/electric mining equipment.
The narrow vein nature and low angle of the Radio Orebody lends itself to non-mechanised mining methods, namely airleg operations. Stoping activities will be carried out by a team of experienced air-leg operators, allowing us to optimise the grades by selective mining.